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Your feedback matters 

              Some recent comments             

Tiffany Gunston 

I  can’t thank this group enough for ordering me one of these anti-suffocation pillows

It was only because I was having an out of hours chat on Purple Day with Michelle (I am so sorry we were wittering away till last pumpkin time !!), she found out I had been having nocturnal seizures for the last 18 months & asked why had I not been in contact sooner??? I said, I was trying to control them, life was going by, my Neurology Department had upped my meds considerably, so just taking things day by day (Just to let you know I have also suffered from generalised tonic clonic seizures for 23 years & absent seizures for 33 years)

The next day, Michelle ordered me a pillow And bless her heart, kept me updated because of the Easter weekend, said it would be with you by Tuesday & bang on the dot, it was here!! Thank you so much Michelle Shrieves & Darren Shrieves & Epilepsy Sussex (closed group). You really are there, night & day for us Lots of love, me, Chris & Rosie xxxx


Emma Wallis
Look at that face!! He is more than happy with his new pillow (and mum can sleep easier) thank you Epilepsy Sussex you have made his week (he’s been sleeping without a pillow for a while) and I’m truly grateful for the thoughtful gift


Olly Davis


Thank you Epilepsy Sussex (closed group) for donating our daughter Mabel this pulse oximeter.

Shelley has been amazing giving my partner and I advice and sharing her knowledge of Epilepsy with us which we can use when dealing with our daughter having seizures or adverse reactions to medication.

It’s amazing how your life can change within the blink of an eye, just over a week ago our 15 month old had her first couple of seizures and we haven’t stopped worrying since but it’s comforting to know she’s not the only one and that there is support out there and people to listen to your concerns.

Thank you

Sarah Martin-Cramp

17 March at 15:59

Thank you Epilepsy Sussex for our anti suffocation pillow. You literally are life savers 🌟❤️

Nardine Parsons   

 Epilepsy Sussex (closed group)  17 January   

Hay guy's I would just like to thank Michelle shrieves and the team for kindly picking me to receive one of the medical I'd bracelets, i am very grateful 


Chloe StantonEpilepsy Sussex (closed group)

21 March · 


Thank you so much Epilepsy Sussex for Lottie's Anti-suffocation pillow. It's a huge help and will put our mind at ease. 💜

Sarah Compton

Visual storyteller · 9 March at 07:06

This was just before the anti suffocation pillow arrived x thankyou x it's arrived and Emma has it now thankyou x so much x

Sarah Compton

Visual storyteller · 5 March at 14:38

A massive thankyou to epilepsy sussex and fundraisers for the life saving anti suffocation pillow. It arrived today. Thankyou all so very much for the fantastic group. The support is truely amazing. From myself thankyou so much and my daughter Emma will be safer now when sleeping. She is severley mentally and physically disabled. A big thankyou from Emma also xxx


3 August at 22:51 Sharon Vernon

I just wanted to say thank you for all your support and help Epilepsy Sussex. We have learnt more in the last few weeks than the last 3 years.. wish we had met sooner ... you do an amazing job and as soon as we can we want to help out more xx


Sharon Vernon Thank you so much for all your help and advice it was so useful!


EpilepsySussex Sharon your dad's watch is all sorted and yes we are happy to help you


Sharon Vernon We cannot thank you enough we were overcome with emotions about

how kind you have all been. Thank you so much it does not seem enough - we are truly

grateful for all your advise the journey is so hard and I just wish we had found

you all sooner x

Sharon Vernon

Well dads first night home for 3.5 years and just as he was leaving the home he has been in he had a tc... now I’m sitting next to him and he is fast asleep with his first night in the home he left all those years ago, wearing his watch! All a bit nerve racking for us - he was smiling at us about doing his care - think it must have been like laurel and hardy! x ps thank you everyone for all your support


So today Darren and I went to the funeral of Brian Vernon, Brian has been with us for about six years and has been championed by his daughter Sharon Vernon, many of you will have seen posts and comments on this page from her.

Brian died on March 31st from a massive seizure.

Please think of the Vernon family today

Sharon you definitely did your dad proud

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Epilepsy Sussex shared a post.

Published by Michelle Shrieves · 11 July at 17:35

As a lot of you know support groups like this are few and far between, we were given an opportunity to help a young lady who is starting her group and we believe that she will go far.


Yes we do like to help other charities

Your payment has been sent and will be credited to the beneficiary's account immediately,

Hope this will help and paid into the bank account below ,from EpilepsySussex and  keep up the good work ,

Beneficiary Shewsbury epilepsy

Amount £ 500.00

11 Jul 2018 

Angelika Barre

Oh my goodness, I just checked that it had gone through. I'm left completely flabbergasted at the huge kindness of your charity. After speaking to Michelle, I thought she meant about £50! I can't believe it & I feel so lucky. I can't thank you all enough. I can whole heartedly promise that every little bit of your money will be used for our charity and our sett up. Your charity has definitely inspired me to go further with my charity & how I can go about doing this. Please thank everyone so much.

Shrewsbury Epilepsy Support Group

11 July at 16:12 ·

Please can everyone say a huge 'Thank you' to everyone at 'Epilepsy Sussex' (a wonderful charity) who have extremely generously donated £500 of their own money, to help with some of the costs in setting up our charity. They once started from nothing too... but are now well established in their community. They raise lots of awareness about the condition, fundraise, have volunteers & even have a helpline! Just goes to show what can become if you put your heart into it.

Shrewsbury Epilepsy Support Group

13 July 2018

We can definitely do that (in fact I've already started). I have desperately needed to advertise by putting up some posters- which we can now afford. We are also needing a table & gazebo so that we can set up at events & raise awareness of our group & epilepsy. Your group has given me some great ideas of what I can do. Once again, I can't thank you enough. Don't worry, there's no way I'll be loosing contact- your group is far too precious.

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